Monday, January 9, 2012


Like/Dislike? There are many things I love about keeping a healthy lifestyle. Those things tend to come further down the road in my journey. That alone makes it difficult to stay the course at times. Especially since the dislikes are right up there at the start. Today I thought, I'd put up my current list of likes and dislikes and see if I can use it to further motivate myself on this journey. I did wind up having fast food yesterday for dinner which was a BIG mistake. I felt super bloated and awful afterwards. PLUS, because I'd already gone over on my calories, even when I felt better I couldn't have myself a Skinny Cow. Booo! Oh, well.

Dislikes (Because I want to end on a good note)

1.) Thinking about Food..ALL THE TIME - I seem to always be thinking about food when I first start paying attention to my diet. Either I'm planning meals, daydreaming and coveting fatty/sugary foods, or researching recipes, it's always there. Sometimes, I just want to not think about it. Un-know everything I know and eat a doughnut...or 4. Of course, sometimes I do and then I wind up right back at Step 1, with a stomach ache and tighter jeans.

2) The Fumbling - I (like many others) hate feeling like a noob. I hate that initial fumbling that comes with starting a new job, a new workout routine or a new recipe. This is the stage where I'll start working out and right away, it all kicks in. Suddenly it's very apparent that the sports I'm wearing is inadequate, my shirt is too tight, etc. I start itching and sweating and I think, "Well, I'm probably almost done with this routine." Only to check the clock and realize I JUST started. Bah. Makes me want to stop, put on some yoga pants and take a nap. I try not to do that, with mixed results.

3.) I Grew Up With Montages and They Ruined Me For Real Life - Everyone of my age who watched/s television or movies, has grown up with the montage. So, when I start working out and/or dieting, I half expect that it will progress montage style. Time will fly, results will show, etc. I start dieting and a week later, weigh myself with visions of big numbers only to drop an increment. I work out and the first week flies by on passion and enthusiasm. Then week 2...and the realization that this is life.  Ready to change the channel now...oops.


1) Thinking About Food - Sometimes I like this stage. I enjoy finding new, tasty and healthy recipes. Finding foods I enjoy that fuel my body well. Even learning new things about nutritional science. It's a true like/dislike. I even enjoy earning that special treat that I know is a splurge but well earned.

2) The Zone - After a bit, you find the routine and schedule that works best for your life and body. You remember which treadmill you like best at the gym, find the sports bra that makes your girls thank you (or not hate you), and it just starts to feel good. That can take time but when you get there, you just have a good time.

3) COMPLIMENTS- Let's face it, I may do this in part for my own benefit. I do want to have more energy, be happier and live longer. But part of it is to look damned good in those jeans.  When you get that first, "Wow. You look great!", you smile serenely and hope it'll distract you from the cake 4 inches to their left. Give or take an inch.

4) Life - It's a broad category, but at some point you begin to feel the effects. You start sleeping better, your optimism is way up, your metal clarity and energy are ever increasing. Suddenly you notice you're not falling asleep at your desk at 2 or dreading going for a run. It's just another part of your day. Then, someone in your social circle refers to you as, "the runner/skinny chick/health nut".

The hard part is that most of my Likes take time and dedication to experience. That's a small part in why I've decided to keep this Blog faithfully. I have been there before. I've been at goal or very close to it. I've been the "healthy one" in my group. What I don't remember clearly is how long it took my mind and body to get there. What was I feeling along the way? What helped keep me going those times when it is frequently easier to give up than keep going? Hopefully by chronicling this journey, I'll be able to keep going, not take a shuttle back to the start.

I'll be back this evening, since I skipped yesterday. it's my intention to have a post for each day, with as little doubling up as possible.

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