Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

One part of my New Year's resolutions for 2012, is to write in a journal for a minimum of 15 minutes each day. So, lacking an idea as to how to "break the ice", I'll start by recording my resolutions and the plan I have to achieve success. An article I read on, spoke about why your resolutions are destined to fail. One major reason, which seemed to make a great deal of sense was "failure to plan". Most people who make these resolutions, have a vague idea of what they want to accomplish, how they will accomplish and leave themselves enough wiggle room to diminish any accomplishments. They tend to leave their resolutions just vague enough so that any effort can be seen as success, even if the goals were originally much loftier. In "The Happiness Project" Gretchin Rubin, discusses the effect that repeated failure has on the brain, as well as success. Both create impact on the brain, and we naturally move towards activities and goals that have had positive effects. That's why, after repeatedly trying and failing at something, without a major re-frame and re-haul, your chances of accomplishing this goal greatly diminished. Success at a given task, create neural pathways that make it easier and more likely for you to continue to succeed in similar tasks.

So, am I saying we're doomed to fail once you've failed once? Not at all. It just means that any undertaking that matters, needs to be reviewed if you haven't accomplished what you've set out to accomplish. Re-framing the task and planning for life's challenges can help you to achieve these tasks. Naturally it won't be easy, as out brains are hard wired to avoid experiences that have had negative outcomes previously. That's where the re-frame becomes very important. You need to trick your brain into believing you are working on an entirely different project.
Thus, my new approach to New Year's Resolutions.

For one, I've decided to undertake just three this year. Any more than that felt like it was doomed to failure and just creating resolutions to feel good about creating them. Fun, but not what I have in mind for myself this year. I've decided to tackle the resolutions in 3 categories; emotional, physical and mental. Granted, there will be some overlap but that's not a big deal. The categories are guides, not the end all be all of setting the resolutions.

Emotional: Live a life examined each day.

It's a cliche but as you get older, the days seem shorter. Time really seems to fly by and you start feeling that you need to "budget" your time. You don't want to waste time trying and failing, trying and failing, at least not without reaping some benfits! Spending more time examining my goals, needs and wants, and learning from my success and failures will in the long ruin, be very beneficial.

Here's the plan:
Fifteen minutes of writing each day, at the end of the year, I plan to export the journal into a self-publishing program and have it on hand to going forward to review. Might be nice for my children and grandchildren. Also, might help me to wake up some creative and cognitive abilities and maybe do some writing that may be published.

Physical: Run a 10K

Obviously that one will take some time. I already have a 5K plan laid out for me by a trainer. The pan is to start working out doing circuit training in PA over vacation. Once I get back to NYC for classes, I will begin training with the laid out Couch25K program. Once I graduate, I'll enroll in Brad Ginsberg's Bridge Program.

Keeping my nutrition optimal and tracking work outs and nutrition are also on the agenda.

Mental: Read 1 classic book a month minimum.

My exposure to literature tends to fall into the chick lit territory. I plan to keep reading these silly books as I enjoy them but add in a variety of books to round out my reading.

Plan is to start reading now. I have several books loaded onto my Kindle and no shortage of time. Once school has started again,I will make a schedule and schedule my reading in much as I will my homework and work outs. Bonus to having the Kindle means my subway rides are a perfect time for this project.

Those who know me are probably surprised that I haven't added weight loss. I do need and want to lose weight but I also realize that I don't have to limit myself to only these three changes. But, they will be my main focus. Weight loss is going be a part of my life for some time to come. No need to limit or minimize what it will mean to my life by adding it in, or setting myself up for failure by adding in a MEGA RESOLUTION.

If you're reading this, feel free to comment. I welcome input :)

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