Thursday, January 12, 2012
Sniffle, sniffle
My son is back. It's really nice to have him back. Max and I spent the entire day cleaning. He did a really great job on the bathroom. Which makes me wonder why he so seldom does it. So nice of me isn't it? LOL It's so nice to see the two of them playing games and watching videos together. Now, I really miss my oldest. Him being here would make it perfect.
I was organizing my FIL's bills today and found a notice of homeowner's insurance renewal. It was supposed to have been renewed yesterday but we just found the bill. I asked him at least 3 times if the insurance and taxes were paid for the house and was assured they were. Ever since he did the reverse mortgage, I've been freaking out. He told me that the only thing we had to worry about was if the insurance or taxes weren't paid. And now this! What the hell are we going to do if we have to sell the house? Where will we live? What will happen to the pets? It's really, really tense making. I'm hoping he can fix this but I'm very scared.
I think I have an infection in my jaw. It hurts and I've been experiencing a lot of allergy/nasal symptoms. I took some NyQuil tonight to make sure I can sleep. With the pain, and congestion, I'm not very comfortable at all. Wish me luck. I'd like to take another long walk tomorrow. I managed to skip my strength training today but did do 60 minutes on the stationary bike. That sucked. I felt tons better though after.
OK, I'm off.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Little Things
At the start of my walk, I ran into 2 dogs just running about. Cute and friendly but I freaked a bit at first because you never can really tell. Plus, I turned a bend and there they were, right in front of the house where 2 dogs went after me and my dog a few years back. Neither of them had tags but they seemed to be sticking to this one yard. I hope they lived there but who the hell lets one, let alone 2, dogs run about without at least tags on? It's all I can think about tonight. It was so lovely today but it's raining and cold now. I hope they're warm and dry now. I really should have knocked on the door and found out if they lived there.
My son is coming home from Bolivia tonight. Well, he's in Miami tonight, but he'll be back in PA tomorrow. I'm so happy! He's been in Bolivia since November. Of course that means I have to move out of his room which makes me sad, LOL. Soon his grandfather will be back as well and it'll be back to sleeping on the couch for me. Booo. I really need to find an apartment. Maybe one where I can have Jett. I know it can't happen until I graduate but that'd be super awesome. If I found a job in PA, I could rent a place that allows pets and it wouldn't be a big jolt for him. I worked with someone who rented a place in a trailer park. Wonder how much the rents are?
OK, now that I've finished my delicious PB and honey sandwich, it's time for me to sleep. I'm sure that the dogs will not be letting me sleep in tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Trucking On
I've got a few things to add to my list though. It never seems to end, but I guess tat's kind of the pijt, isn't it?
I need to:
- update my Child Abuse online certificate
- register for and take the Infectious Disease Control Certification (That'll have to wait for cash)
- Register for and start studying for the Assistant teacher certificates
Monday, January 9, 2012
7 miles
I think there's a song called 7 miles, but I could be wrong. Anywho, that is the distance I walked today on my 2 walks. I am pooped now! I tried using the imapmywalk app. First I didn't start the track function until I was way into my walk. Then the darned thing kept freezing. Hard to say whether it was the app or the phone since it was pretty cold out there.
Well, I am writing this on my phone since my new kindle isn't in yet. Guess its a good thing I got this app. The kindle stopped working earlier this week. It wasn't even a month old! And Best Buy was sold out and had to order it. I haven't been having much luck with purchases lately. The orders I am waiting for are floating around there somewhere. Everyone seems confounded by the address change up.
Tomorrow, I'm going to do some strength training so I'm off to sleep. Chua!
Dislikes (Because I want to end on a good note)
1.) Thinking about Food..ALL THE TIME - I seem to always be thinking about food when I first start paying attention to my diet. Either I'm planning meals, daydreaming and coveting fatty/sugary foods, or researching recipes, it's always there. Sometimes, I just want to not think about it. Un-know everything I know and eat a doughnut...or 4. Of course, sometimes I do and then I wind up right back at Step 1, with a stomach ache and tighter jeans.
2) The Fumbling - I (like many others) hate feeling like a noob. I hate that initial fumbling that comes with starting a new job, a new workout routine or a new recipe. This is the stage where I'll start working out and right away, it all kicks in. Suddenly it's very apparent that the sports I'm wearing is inadequate, my shirt is too tight, etc. I start itching and sweating and I think, "Well, I'm probably almost done with this routine." Only to check the clock and realize I JUST started. Bah. Makes me want to stop, put on some yoga pants and take a nap. I try not to do that, with mixed results.
3.) I Grew Up With Montages and They Ruined Me For Real Life - Everyone of my age who watched/s television or movies, has grown up with the montage. So, when I start working out and/or dieting, I half expect that it will progress montage style. Time will fly, results will show, etc. I start dieting and a week later, weigh myself with visions of big numbers only to drop an increment. I work out and the first week flies by on passion and enthusiasm. Then week 2...and the realization that this is life. Ready to change the channel now...oops.
1) Thinking About Food - Sometimes I like this stage. I enjoy finding new, tasty and healthy recipes. Finding foods I enjoy that fuel my body well. Even learning new things about nutritional science. It's a true like/dislike. I even enjoy earning that special treat that I know is a splurge but well earned.
2) The Zone - After a bit, you find the routine and schedule that works best for your life and body. You remember which treadmill you like best at the gym, find the sports bra that makes your girls thank you (or not hate you), and it just starts to feel good. That can take time but when you get there, you just have a good time.
3) COMPLIMENTS- Let's face it, I may do this in part for my own benefit. I do want to have more energy, be happier and live longer. But part of it is to look damned good in those jeans. When you get that first, "Wow. You look great!", you smile serenely and hope it'll distract you from the cake 4 inches to their left. Give or take an inch.
4) Life - It's a broad category, but at some point you begin to feel the effects. You start sleeping better, your optimism is way up, your metal clarity and energy are ever increasing. Suddenly you notice you're not falling asleep at your desk at 2 or dreading going for a run. It's just another part of your day. Then, someone in your social circle refers to you as, "the runner/skinny chick/health nut".
The hard part is that most of my Likes take time and dedication to experience. That's a small part in why I've decided to keep this Blog faithfully. I have been there before. I've been at goal or very close to it. I've been the "healthy one" in my group. What I don't remember clearly is how long it took my mind and body to get there. What was I feeling along the way? What helped keep me going those times when it is frequently easier to give up than keep going? Hopefully by chronicling this journey, I'll be able to keep going, not take a shuttle back to the start.
I'll be back this evening, since I skipped yesterday. it's my intention to have a post for each day, with as little doubling up as possible.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
This and Only This
I managed to do a tiny bit of work online on my Spanish website. I've forgotten some vocabulary so it seems this vacation review is a good thing. Especially since I have Spanish II starting soon. Oh, a bit of bad news regarding the internet though. My Kindly isn't working! I haven't even had it for a month :( Turned it off today because I couldn't access the wireless and it wouldn't turn back on or charge. Boooo! Tomorrow I will take it to Best Buy.
Ugh. I wore a damned girdle all day in anticipation that we were going out today. My jeans are really snug around the waist now, and it shows quite a ribbons of chub under my shirt. Bah. I'm up to 177.4 pounds. I don't even know what I'm going to do about that. I've got to try to find that moment where I feel myself gaining momentum, but it hasn't happened yet.
I can't find a Kindle edition of "The Golden Notebook". Alas, it may need to wait. So will the classic reading as my Kindle is out of commission. I have a few on my phone but it's no fun reading them on it, and the strain of focusing on the tiny words gives me a headache. On the other hand, it also makes me sleepy so that's not bad...
I feel like I have more to say but I am tired and have things to do (miles to go) before I sleep.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Busy doing something close to nothing
I didn't get through everything on my To Do. I did one out of 3. Huh. Either I stink at getting stuff done or I'm setting myself up for failure by adding things that don't matter when I don't really need to be doing them. Probably a bit of both. Finally got my son's application for Medicaid submitted, which is a huge load off my mind. I needed some info for him, but now it's done. I really hope he follows up this time.
Also took Jett out for a nice long walk. It was almost 50 degrees out today! Crazy warm for this time of the year, and considering it was 17 degrees 2 days ago. God, it must suck so bad for anyone who lives or works outside. We dropped Joey off in Scranton and then hit a few stores. As usual that ate up a good chunk of the day. We took Jett with us so he was happy. First we hit Bam. Bam is a new book store that took over the Borders store in Scranton when it went under. We were really glad to see it because once the Borders went under so did any book stores within at least 60 miles. Sadly, the one in East Stroudsburg which is more convenient was taken over by a cheesier store. Oh, well. Anyway, I bought a really cute dog calendar. It's cute and they were all 50% off. Shame that I saw a cuter cat one just after I bought the dog one.
Bought the ingredients to make a no bake cheesecake from Walmart. The Walmart in Scranton is quite a bit nicer than the one in Mount Pocono. Also got the fixings for a dinner I've read about on a runner's Tumblr. It's chicken sausage, orzo and broccoli. I think I got the wrong broccoli because she uses fresh rabe but maybe I'll use the spinach we have on hand instead. The cheesecake came out kind of weird because the cream cheese and cool whip didn't blend as well as I'd have liked. Then to make matters worse, I tried to fix it by scooping the pie innards out and blending them, messing up the graham cracker crust. It's better blended but looks weird and sloppy. Tastes okay though.
I also made a Tumblr account for my Sims character. Ha!
One thing I do want to do is to do some research into helping my sister set up a set advertising tutoring and editorial services. She has been editing mine and my son's papers for school now for a while. She's quick, concise and communicates well. I think it's be a good revenue stream for her.I worry about her future. She hasn't had a job that isn't off the books ever. How is she going to live when she's older? I worry a lot about that.
Decided on the classic book I want to read this month. It's "The Golden Notebook" by Doris Lessing. I wonder if that counts as a classic? I think it probably does but I'll have to check. Don't know what I'll choose if it doesn't make the cut. I'll still read it, it just won't be my "January Classic".
Ha. Once again, exhausted and not feeling like writing and still found quite a bit to say.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Ta Da!
- Walk the dog
- file paperwork I sorted today
- track all of my eats
- Review Lessons 1 and 2 on the Spanish website
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Not sure that trading "hard time falling asleep"
I fell asleep last night before midnight, thanks to a combo of NyQuil and Melatonin tablets. I figured the NyQuil would knock me out and boy was I right. Of course, to everyone else I'll be all "well, I wasn't feeling great so I took some NyQuil". But, we're past those silly pretenses now aren't we? I just needed to get some fucking restful sleep. Waking up was so damned hard. I had one of those Groundhog Day-esque dreams. In the dream I kept thinking I'd awakened only to discover that I was still sleeping either because I couldn't feel the water in my shower or I didn't feel it when I slapped my cheeks. I'd then force myself awake and it felt (and this I really felt) like I was pulling myself up out of quicksand. Weird. When did I become such a medicine ninny? It takes me almost a full day to get over medicine grogginess now. It's almost not worth the symptom relief.
I spent most of my day working on my house in Sims Social. A true waste of time but damned if that house isn't looking gooood! Posted a screen cap on Tumblr because I'm just that dorky.
We finally got some shopping done today. Got the stuff needed to make healthier meals and got some Skinny Cow ice cream for the evening. I have been craving a sweet snack at night. I know I'll find some awful thing to eat if I don't have something diet friendly on hand. I do have a recipe for 1 minute peanut butter cake memorized. That was a verrry bad move.
Just got some emails from my former boss who is trying to figure out our payroll for W2s. After we moved the computer from the school it crashed. Add to that the fact that we've been hand writing payroll checks and not using a payroll company and you have SCREWED. The worst part is that even though I wrote checks, I didn't make a worksheet keeping track of them all in one place. I know that by the time the school stopped paying payroll taxes I was pissed for many reasons. I really didn't believe that the taxes would ever be paid or that we'd be able to file taxes. That's part of why I didn't make a worksheet. Or why it never even OCCURRED to me. How is that possible?? I feel kind of stupid. No, really stupid. Of course even if I had, the computer crashed but I'd feel better if I had made one to begin with. Now, we're trying to calculate the payrolls and because of the haphazard schedule and lack of documentation, can't figure out if we under or over paid the staff. It looks to me like under, but my boss thinks over. I don't know which would make me feel better, or which would make me feel worse. Bah.
One thing I did get done today was FASFA renewals for me and the boys. Of course that ties right into the tax dilemma as you have to include this information. For now, I checked off "will not file" and we can fix it IF the tax situation gets fixed. Oh, and apparently I'm a displaced worker. You learn something new every day.
Wow, and I thought I had nothing to say tonight.