Monday, June 27, 2011


  1. List a few common items that can always be found in your fridge. Chicken breasts, milk, cucumbers, water with slices of lemon and cucumber, yogurt, Diet Pepsi
  2. What kind of milk do you drink? whole
  3. Do you prefer fresh or frozen vegetables? I prefer fresh but I keep bags of Birds Eye veggies on hand to toss together quick meals with a lean protein
  4. What do you currently have to drink in the fridge? Water, milk, Diet Pepsi
  5. How often do you clean out your refrigerator? Every 2 weeks or so
  6. What’s the healthiest thing in it right now? Fresh baby spinach
  7. What’s the most unhealthy thing in it right now? Some Ghiradelli PB filled chocolate squares - luckily the boys will eat them first
  8. What do you wish you had in it that you don’t have now? Nothing
  9. How often do you shop for groceries? I shop for groceries a few times a week.
  10. What’s the weirdest thing in your fridge right now? A large ham bone - for the dogs to gnaw on